Test and Tag for Hotels and Motels
At Kadec Test and Tag, we specialise in servicing Hotels and Motels.
While they appear to be a lower risk workplace, they are in fact a more hostile environment to some electrical appliances than a typical office. Not only are they a workplace, but guests also use the appliances and in our experiences can treat your assets with disregard. Employee as well as guest safety is a major factor in assessing your accommodation workplace safety management systems.
Accommodation places are a lower risk than the construction industry or factories and warehouses, however hotels and motels still have an element of workplace risk for electrical appliances requiring that all appliances are to be tested on a regular basis.
Legislation around the requirements of testing are a combination of regulation and standards.
If you ask any Motel / Hotelier, they will agree that many appliances are replaced regularly due to the damage or wear of electrical cords. There is a surprisingly high rate of appliances in the rooms that fail testing.
In general, the testing Standard NZS3760 says testing for accommodation houses to be every 24 months, however there are other appliances within the accommodation industry that require more frequent testing. For example, commercial cleaning equipment require regular 6 month testing and office equipment including computers require 12 month testing.
Due to their environment, Kadec Test & Tag recommends the testing of some appliances like toasters, kettles, lamps and clothes irons to be tested as a minimum of every 12 months. However this is only a suggestion for the purpose of safety of your clients and a professional image for your business, it is not a legal requirement.
Resthomes and Aged Care
Kadec specialise in servicing rest-homes and acknowledge the extra requirements on the premises. We ensure the provision of the appropriate respect and flexibility required with the residents and staff on site and work with our clients to ensure minimal intrusion into routines.